September 29, 2020
Pond Lehocky Giordano offers paid day of service for staff on Election Day
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Pond Lehocky Giordano is promoting the vote this year by providing all staff and attorneys with a paid day off to volunteer as poll workers, election protection monitors, and volunteers across the nation.
Pond Lehocky has teamed up with friends at the Pennsylvania Alliance to amplify the importance of making our community’s voice heard and vote count through The Voter Project. We’ve also partnered with Litify to promote Power the Polls, which is organized by the Civic Alliance, a non-partisan group of businesses working together to build a future where everyone participates in shaping our country.
“We needed to be better,” Founding Partner Thomas J. Giordano said. “It was through our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee that we agreed to ‘promote the vote.’ All the Pond Lehocky partners will be at the polls on election day with our staff. So, it’s really important to us and I hope by doing things like this, that we are inspiring people to follow us.”
Pond Lehocky stands up for the injured and disabled. When people are treated unfairly, we add our voice to theirs to ensure they receive justice and that our great democracy works. Right now, all our voices need to be heard. Voting is the very muscle of democracy that allows us to have a voice. It is how “We the People” make a difference in our nation.