September 28, 2016
Pond Lehocky hosts Community Legal Services’ Justice Rising Advocates Event
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On September 22, 2016, Pond Lehocky hosted the Community Legal Services (CLS) of Philadelphia for their Justice Rising Advocates event, honoring young legal professionals that are making a positive difference in the Philadelphia community. Partner Tom Giordano welcomed CLS and introduced CLS’ Executive Director, Debby Freedman, who explained the organization’s ongoing work to help those Philadelphians most in need of legal assistance.
CLS’ work impacts young people in their teens and 20s, and includes the Youth Justice Project and the Consumer Debt Defense program’s student loans division. CLS’ superstars Jaime Gullen, Joanna Greenberg and Claire Grandison were introduced to discuss their efforts in service of these vital organizations. Justice Rising Chair Melanie Foreman offered closing remarks, reminding guests of the importance of staying involved. By giving back to the community and being part of organizations like Justice Rising Advocates, young attorneys make significant improvements in the lives of Philadelphians.
The Community Legal Services of Philadelphia has provided free civil legal assistance to more than one million low-income Philadelphians since being founded in 1966 by the Philadelphia Bar Association. CLS’ work is recognized nationally as a model legal services program, with eight units to assist clients with legal needs ranging from employment and public benefits, to housing and family law. Community Legal Services of Philadelphia is also celebrating their Golden Anniversary this year with an event on November 3rd at Top of the Tower, “CLS at 50: Justice Through the Decades” (tickets can be purchased here.) To learn more about CLS’ work and to donate, please visit