November 05, 2018
Attorney Nick Liermann Receives Prestigious Veterans’ Award and Recognition for his Service
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Attorney Nick Liermann is named a 2018 Veteran of Influence by the Philadelphia Business Journal. The award recognizes 25 veterans who have served their country honorably and are now making a difference in their business community. It evaluates an individual’s military career, business accomplishments and community service, which was why Nick Liermann, Esq., received this award.
Mr. Liermann served four years on active duty with the U.S. Army as a Platoon Leader in a Patriot Missile Battalion, including a deployment as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Six years ago, following a break in service, he joined the U.S. Army Reserve as a JAG officer. His assignments have taken him across the globe including Germany, Israel, Hungary, the Middle East, and South Korea.
Nick, Veterans and Traumatic Servicemember’s Group Life Insurance (TSGLI)
At Pond Lehocky, Mr. Liermann heads The Traumatic Servicemember’s Group Life Insurance (TSGLI) practice group—the only such practice for veterans in the region. TSGLI provides benefits for injuries suffered by service members, whether sustained on or off duty.
The recognition is particularly timely with Veterans’ Day approaching and carries special meaning for Mr. Liermann, who comes from a military family.
“For me, it’s personal. I have served, but so have my mother, father, brother, uncle, and grandfather,” Mr. Liermann said. “I have seen up close and personal the sacrifices all of our service members make.”
Moreover, he also stressed the need to care for and support veterans once they return form duty.
“Every veteran has taken time away from their family, career, and personal life to serve our country. Many have been put in harm’s way. Some have suffered life-altering injuries or worse,” he said. “It is important that we thank these men and women – but it is more important that we do something to give back.” Liermann said. “I am grateful that PLSG is so supportive of our veterans and allows me to put my time, energy and motivation into taking care of our veterans.”
Nick and his work in the community with Team Foster
Mr. Liermann also founded Team Foster in honor of his friend Captain Erick Foster, who was killed in action. Team Foster is a 501(c)(3) non-profit raising money to provide service dogs for injured veterans in our area.
Attorney Nick Liermann sits down with Philadelphia Business Journal to talk about his work as a vet with fellow veterans and in the community as well as his TSGLI practice.
What is your proudest moment during your years of service? In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, I led my platoon in the transition from garrison to real-world security operations. In doing so, we quickly stood up to provide a 24/7 blanket of protection to our community in extremely uncertain times. Then in 2003, helping to train and direct my Battalion I prepared for Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Tell us about the most memorable place you were stationed and what makes it stand out. South Korea. While on a training mission in 2015, I was assigned to 8th Army positioned a quarter-mile from the DMZ. As a result of a North Korean landmine, several ROK soldiers were injured which escalated tensions. This resulted in an exchange of artillery fire and “KPOP” music blaring 24 hours a day over the DMZ.
How did you choose your post-military career? Prosecuting homicide cases and now, helping those who are injured, was a way I could continue to serve our community.
How do you use your military experience/skills in your career? My military skills help to be level-headed under pressure, to analyze complex issues in a methodical way, and have instilled values in me that help guide all of my decisions.
What qualities make veterans great job candidates? Veterans understand the value of service. They know to follow – and to lead – at the appropriate time. Veterans know the importance of “right time, right place, right uniform.”
Would you advise young people to consider the military? Absolutely. The military gives passionate people the opportunity to be a part of something greater than themselves, be exposed to an eclectic wide-ranging group of people, and see/do things that are simply impossible in the civilian world.
Your advice to recently discharged veterans? You are a not alone. Reach out to your veteran community. While the transition can be challenging, there is an entire universe of veterans ready, willing, and able to help you welcome to you to your next chapter of service.