
Managing Partner Samuel H. Pond Guest Lectures at University of Pennsylvania

Managing Partner Sam Pond was invited to be a guest lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania’s Fels Institute of Government class, “The Science of Politics: Who Gets Elected and Why?“, taught by former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell. The lecture took place this past Monday, September 25th, at 6:00pm in Claudia Cohen Hall.

Rendell’s class focuses on the methodology of a successful political campaign. Students have the opportunity to hear a featured lecture each week from a nationally recognized professional who has knowledge in different areas of the campaign and election process.

Sam, who has previously guest lectured for the class, spoke about “Allies, Interest Groups and Political Coalition-Building.” He discussed forging political alliances among different groups that may not immediately see how their goals interact and effect each other.

“It’s great to see young people civically engaged,” he said of the class of about one hundred students. “Our democracy only works if you get involved.”

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