
Last call for Pond Lehocky Annual Scholarship Applications

Pond Lehocky Giordano is ringing the last call bell for its $5,000 Pond Lehocky Annual Scholarship. Pond Lehocky is honored to help students reach their full potential through education. The annual scholarship aids the friends, family members, and colleagues of injured workers in the pursuit of higher education.

The $5,000 annual scholarship is open to everyone currently accepted to or enrolled in higher education and is not limited to any university or higher educational institution. Applicants must have had some personal connection to a work-related injury.

More information about the application process and eligibility guidelines please visit our website. The deadline to apply and submit an essay is May 7, 2021.

The team at Pond Lehocky witnesses every day the traumatic effects work injuries have on families, who can be left shaken to the core. The death or disability of a breadwinner can leave the family teetering on financial disaster. Parents, who had big dreams for the children, are left with crushing realization that they cannot help with their children fulfill those dreams because of the onerous, ever-increasing expense of education.

The Pond Lehocky Annual Scholarship is one of many initiatives that the firm sponsors through its charitable arm, Pond Lehocky Community. With the scholarship, the Pond Lehocky reaffirms that its dedication to provide holistic care to injured and disabled workers that extends beyond the legal process. Providing a scholarship to those impacted by work injuries recognizes the struggles clients face to be made whole again.

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